About Me

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Anas Ramadhan


My name is Anas Ramadhan. I'm a 26 year old Web Developer from Jakarta who enjoys solving problems with code.
I specialize in full-stack development with a strong desire to create scalable applications. Experience in building websites for small and medium-sized businesses, and also I love contributing to open-source like Linux and BSD by focusing on Linux/BSD Administration Installation, Configuration, Tuning, and Upgrades the system.
My first website project was my personal website CMS(Content Management System) using Django and BulmaCSS and it was called anas-ramadhan.com but I didn't continue with the first project because there were several other projects.
I had to work on it for college purposes such as making a Linux distribution. And this website is a continuation of my first project but only Frontend MockUp using NuxtJS & GitLab Pages for hosting.